Our Cracking Tracking initiative champions technical excellence in the affiliate and partner marketing channels.
At the APMA we are on a mission to guarantee every click, sale and interaction driven by the channel is tracked and recorded, and this guide explores the technical mechanics that make that possible.
Affiliate and performance marketing networks and platforms power the industry and we asked them to explain how their tracking works, and what sets it apart from the competition.
We also ask them about the latest tracking trends and challenges marketers face when attributing sales and value to their budgets. And if you ever wanted to know how you’d explain affiliate tracking to a five-year-old, you’re in the right place.
For your convenience, we’ve collated all their answers in one handy tracking guide for you and your teams to download and keep.
A huge thanks to our members for making this possible: Adtraction, Affiliate Future, Awin, CJ, FinanceAds, Impact, Kwanko, Optimise, Rakuten, Tradedoubler and Webgains.
And don’t forget to bookmark our site to access future Cracking Tracking updates.