Downloadable software and browser extensions: the audit

Downloadable software and browser extensions audit

For the past few months, downloadable software and browser extensions have been making headlines in the affiliate industry — often for the wrong reasons.

We won’t relitigate the whole Honey issue here. But the topic has surfaced the complexity of the approach by networks and affiliate platforms. Do you know your soft-click from your stand down? And how their application for one affiliate can differ from another’s?

The Affiliate and Partner Marketing Association is commissioning an independent audit of ten affiliate networks and platforms. This will provide a definitive guide to the technology.

The audit, a world first, will be carried out by a consultant using control scenarios. They will test the veracity of soft-click, stand-down and similar proprietary technologies’ implementation.

The control scenarios will involve a technology partner and a browser extension affiliate. The consultant will mimic consumer journeys by clicking through from a test affiliate to see what cookies drop and activity is recorded. The testing will be carried out in early March with the report due to drop at the end of the month.

You can read the full project brief here.

In January 2025, the APMA collected data from ten networks and platforms. This showed a 100% application of soft-click and stand-down rules, typically implemented for technologies such as browser extensions, toolbars and rebate catchers. Some of these networks and platforms also apply these rules to other affiliates and
affiliate models.

In this guide, the networks and platforms self-reported. With our independent report, the APMA can verify the findings as well as understand what technologies are used and how widely adopted they are.

Results and recommendations

The results will be anonymised for publication, and the APMA will contact individual networks and platforms directly with their results. The final report will include recommendations for the affiliate industry.

There has been significant coverage of this issue in light of accusations of cookie overwriting by browser extensions. We hope this independent report will provide a robust defence of the industry’s ability to create solutions that deliver value to brands. We also hope it will offer assurances to publishers about the impact of such technologies.

Positive force for change

Where non-adherence is found, we believe the APMA can act as a positive force for change. We hope this exercise will be emulated in other markets, providing brands with the assurances they need.

We firmly believe that networks and platforms, in the main, act in good faith. The audit will not be a finger pointing exercise, but the APMA will act to elevate best practice. We will arm advertisers with the knowledge needed to ensure they have the best implementation.

The desired outcome? The affiliate ecosystem is protected and the variety of affiliates in an affiliate programme can thrive and develop.

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