
Founding Member
Gold Member

Adtraction is a full-service partner marketing platform. Founded in 2007 and headquartered in Stockholm Adtraction has local offices in 12 countries across Europe. Adtraction is a service / technology hybrid company, delivering  localised account management to help brands grow online and attract new customers. Offering a user-friendly platform to more than 20,000 advertisers and partners across Europe, Adtraction connects brands with a diverse range of marketing partners,  from content sites, influencers, loyalty shopping, discount platforms and comparison sites.

Adtraction’s goal is to offer pan-European partner marketing combined with local expertise to both large and growing brands in a variety of sectors including e-commerce, travel, finance and technology.  As part of its growth strategy, Adtraction acquired Swiss affiliate network Connects in 2020 and Danish networks Digital Advisor in 2021 and Adservice in 2022. In December 2021 Adtraction AB became a publicly listed company with its launch on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market.

together we grow - the APMA