2024’s Publisher Survey is now live. Taking the temperature of the UK’s affiliates, this year’s survey will unearth key trends driving industry growth.
The study remains the biggest study of the UK’s publishers and the results will be presented, for the first time, alongside data from the Advertiser and Agency survey.
As well as understanding the health of the channel, this year’s survey contains insights about AI, cookies, Google and tracking.
We’d love to hear from you if you’re an active UK publisher.
The survey takes around five minutes and everyone who completes it will receive a FREE copy of the report and the opportunity to win a ticket to our exclusive September launch event. The APMA will also make a charity donation for every completed survey we receive.
If you’d like a taster of what you can expect this year, check out 2023’s report.
So don’t delay, the survey is only open until 31st July 2024.