Ask an Expert

In this series, Ask an Expert, you’ll find Q&A events with chosen experts to help demystify and explain affiliate and partner marketing topics with no jargon.

Is GA4 data showing completely different results to your affiliate provider?

It’s one of the biggest headaches in affiliate marketing at the moment, causing widespread confusion.

So, we’ve asked two analytics and attribution experts who are in the weeds of GA4 to answer all your questions. Olly Walker from Hookflash and Imogen Collins from Genie Goals will tackle your questions about this or other elements of analytics that are keeping you awake at night. Adtraction’s Ant Clements will host and also be on hand to answer your questions.

This is your chance to ask our experts those nagging questions. They’ll show you the different reports, how to read them, and then reconcile with your affiliate platform data.

Join us on 17th April at 3pm and you can also submit questions in advance. We hope to see you there!


Please note this session is only for The APMA members and advertisers. If you’re not a member already and would like to attend the session please get in touch and become a member today.
